Welcome to Betar

BETAR Communications Systems Pvt. Ltd. has a team of highly experienced and technically competent manpower capable of implementing and maintaining complete wireless networks. We have installed large wireless networks for various clients in corporate, Govt. and semi-Govt. organizations.

“Betar Communication System Pvt. Ltd. is a premium company involved in the Dealer and Service Provider of Top Security and communication device.”

Some of the projects implemented and services offered by us are:-

➢ Major wireless project for all state Forest Department, Electricity Department, Police, Paramilitary Force Railways in India and Ethopia and Highway Construction Company in Afghanistan and path/site survey in Andman & Nicobar for ANIIDCO.

➢ Private sectors like Security group, Multiplex Cinemas, Mall, Construction Companies, Educational Institutional, Hospitals, Aviation Sectors, and many other corporate clients.



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Discover Betar Journey

January 2004
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.
May 2006
Attracts first investor, Herba Beauty Care, and receives $10 million investment
December 2008
Gets $45 million more as Bison Coporation Partners jumps on the investment bandwagon
February 2012
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.
September 2015
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.
July 2017
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.

Meet Our Team

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder

Robert Downey Jr

CEO Founder


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